четвъртък, 17 януари 2019 г.


Продължаваме с кратките и сладки стихчета на английски език за малките, но не маловажни неща от света, който ни заобикаля. Те са представени нагледно посредством онлайн инструмента WordArt

Workshop Session #2: Friendship and Love

Friendship is pink,
It sounds like the hum of a heart,
It tastes like a cake,
It smells like a gracious daffodil,
It feels like the softness of a snowdrop.

                                         Fatme, 5th a grade

First love is blue.
It sounds like a whisper,
It tastes like cranberries,
It smells like a snowdrop,
It feels like delicate daffodil petals.

                                        Fatme, 5th a grade

Friendship is green,
It sounds like dripping water,
It tastes like strawberries,
It smells like a tulip,
It feels like the sand on the beach.

                                         Jasmin, 5th a grade

First love is blue.
It sounds like the sea,
It tastes like candy floss,
It smells like blueberries,
It feels like cotton.

                                        Jasmin, 5th a grade

Friendship is turquoise,
It sounds like the noise of the games,
It tastes like a doner,
It smells like a lily-of-the-valley,
It feels like a violet petal.

                                         Nataly, 5th a grade

First love is light red.
It sounds like the silence,
It tastes like a cheesecake,
It smells like a cherry,
It feels like a soft fluff.

                                        Nataly, 5th a grade

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